Daily Prompt: If you leave

I’m noticing a theme with the Daily Post prompts I choose to answer. I’ve waffled with leaving my job for about a year now. I kept telling myself it wasn’t so bad, it would get better, it’s all in my head, but now that I’ve made the decision to go, I just feel so much lighter. The stress is just as bad, the problems are just as out of control, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel now. The end is in sight. And it feels good.

I still have no idea what sort of job to look for to replace it, but even just stepping down from GM to AM will be an improvement. I can fake a M-F 9-5 schedule until I find something that fits the bill better. I can set a routine, and stop feeling so out of control.

Sometimes, saying goodbye can be a good thing. 🙂