Zero to Hero: Day 13

Jumping all over the place in ZtH – I dunno. Some things work for me some days, and some days they don’t. Still, eating through it at a pretty good pace, even if it’s getting a little jumbled. I feel like my blog is improving, and that’s the point.

Today’s assignment involves building a blogroll. I have the “Raevenly Reads” widget, but I have a few blogs I read that I’d really like to spotlight.

Entertaining Stories is a good mix of writing rant and writing advice. The highlight are his writing cabin stories, where he interacts with his Muse and various characters from the pieces he’s working on.

Wide Awake But Dreaming features great pieces on the writing process, featuring lots of really yummy software that I’m completely jealous over. Tastes of fiction and behind the scenes work make this blog one of my favorites.

Eclectic Ali features fiction excerpts rich with sensory details, and windows into the author’s life that leave me feeling grounded in a community of writers. Very uplifting read.

All of these blogs post on a fairly regular schedule, make great commentary about writing, and leave you feeling like you’ve had a conversation with a good friend.

6 thoughts on “Zero to Hero: Day 13

  1. Pingback: Zero to Hero: Day 24 | Raevenly Writes

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